FamilyDogFusionFM Thu, 29 Mar 2018 20:39:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2016 FamilyDogFusion Train Your Dog. Train Yourself. FamilyDogFusion This is Discover Your Dog. The show that demystifies your dog's behavior so you can get the best results from your dog training. Professional dog trainer Bennie Copeland teaches us that we are ALWAYS communicating with our dogs. The goal of this show is to build your awareness of WHAT you are communicating to your dog at any given moment. Bennie Copeland and Devin Best No Ep 129 Butt Sniffing: A Dog’s Tale Wed, 28 Mar 2018 05:25:32 +0000

Discover Your Dog - Dog Pic

Dog's love to sniff, smell, and put their noses into some really weird and embarrassing places: your crotch, other dog's butts, even right where other dogs have pooped and peed. So what should you do in the case of an unprovoked Butt Sniff?

Show Highlights

Let’s face it dog’s put their noses in some really weird places. But why?
·   This is how dog's say hello THIS IS NOT TRUE
·   Dogs have many positive and negative body languages
Some are positive and friendly when greeting another dog
Rather than greeting them around the back, under the tail or a nose plant.
·   Check out Episode 028, The Do's and Dont’s of Child Interaction
Learn about what body languages to look for from your dog
·   Bennie's Postulates:
Dog is Dog's best friend, not Man's best friend. Dog understand other dogs much better and quicker than they understand humans.
Dogs have very specific body languages and signs that show another dog what their intentions are.
Dogs are not quick to recognize facial and body features of another dog.
They need a way to know if they have met another dog before or not.
·   Anal Gland the gland that gives a Butt-load of information:
This gland sometimes has to be expressed by your vet and sometimes can and will be expressed by your dog.
The anal gland is unique to each dog such as a fingerprint for a human.
When a dog smells the anal gland it can tell the other dog's gender, temperament, health status, etc.
·   A dog has over 200 million olfactory receptors and this is a large part of how it thinks, acts, and survives.
A dog's nose is the main way it learns about the world around it.
·     The Circle :

  • Dog's will circle each other to allow each to get a good angle on the butt and anal gland area.
  • As long as each dog is doing this and there is no growling or one dog showing a sign of discomfort, let them go
  • Some puppies may go overboard and should be broken up
  • Some dogs do not like it for people or other dogs to be behind them.

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]]> 0 Dog's love to sniff, smell, and put their noses into some really weird and embarrassing places: your crotch, other dog's butts, even right where other dogs have pooped and peed. So what should you do in the case of an unprovoked Butt Sniff? Show Highlights Let’s face it dog’s put their noses in some really [...] No No 18:23 Leslie Hankins