FamilyDogFusionFM Wed, 02 Aug 2017 05:49:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2016 FamilyDogFusion Train Your Dog. Train Yourself. FamilyDogFusion This is Discover Your Dog. The show that demystifies your dog's behavior so you can get the best results from your dog training. Professional dog trainer Bennie Copeland teaches us that we are ALWAYS communicating with our dogs. The goal of this show is to build your awareness of WHAT you are communicating to your dog at any given moment. Bennie Copeland and Devin Best No Ep 089 Breed of Dog Wed, 21 Jun 2017 07:50:04 +0000

Two Dog Breeds in One PictureEach dog breed exhibits unique characteristics that influence their behavior.

Today, discover a rating system you can use to get a better idea of what to expect from your dog.

In this episode, we continue our trilogy that shifts focus so you can get a broader knowledge of why your dog behaves the way she does!

Show Highlights

  • This is a three-part series
  • We're going to talk about very specific characteristics in specific breeds and cover main characteristics.
  • Knowing these characteristics will help you better choose your forever-pet.
  • Genetics will influence the type of personality it demonstrates, the energy of the dog, etc.
  • Understanding this, you can better respond as to why the dog is behaving this way
  • STOP! Comparing your new dog to the last dog and why this new dog is not as great as your new dog
  • Even if you get the same exact breed it is not the same dog each dog has its own individual characteristics.
  • this website breaks down each breed and sub headings for each one of those.

These are the five main breakdown points:

  1. Adaptability
  2. All-Around Friendliness
  3. Health and Grooming
  4. Trainability
  5. Energy / Activity Levels


  • Does this dog adapt well to living in an apartment good with living in smaller areas?
  • Is your dog going to be ok with you working 8-10 hours a day?
    • A Border Collie might not do as well as a bull dog.
  • Does your dog tolerate a lot of activity or noise?

All-Around Friendliness

  • Does your dog get along with other people, other dogs?
  • It is important to compare this characteristic with your lifestyle when looking at a specific breed of dogs
  • Cocker Spaniels have a tendency to latch onto one owner instead of multiple if you are very social, this dog breed may not be the best family dog.

Health and Grooming

  • Do these dogs shed a lot?
  • Are they hypo-allergenic?
  • Does the dog drool a lot, like a mastiff?
  • Are they easy to groom or complicated, like a Yorkie?
  • Also pay attention to the size a Yorkie is a lot different from a Mastiff!
  • Consider your own health when choosing a dog.


  • Intelligence and “easy-to-train” do not go hand in hand!
  • Bennie's experience is that more intelligent dogs are harder to have as pets, for example a Border Collie.
  • Dogs that are very trainable and adaptable are ones such as Labradors.
  • If your dog has a big prey drive, then they have something they will focus on and will help you with training utilizing motivation

Energy / Activity Levels

  • If you live a relatively sedate lifestyle, you might consider:
    • Small breed: Bichon
    • Medium-size breed: Basset Hound
    • Large breed: Mastiff.
  • Look at the energy levels of your dogs
  • If you are very active, you don't want to have a basset hound


  • What is it that you would be looking for to match your lifestyle?
  • What are the things you need to analyze in order to bring a dog into your home?
  • Investigate a breed that will be right for you consider the following factors:
    • Decide whether you want an adult dog or a puppy
    • Almost 25% of the dogs in a shelter facility are purebred
    • Size matters larger dogs on average cost more to manage a year than a smaller dog
    • Consider about the amount of area you need in your home for your dogs and you to co-live
    • How active you are can largely influence what dog you should get
    • Do you have a large family or other pets such as cats or other dogs that would not get along with other dogs
    • Is the area you currently live in dog friendly
    • Future thinking are you going to outlive this dog?
  • A few other things to consider :
    • How much time will you be spending with your dog ?
    • Do you have outside support ?
    • Are you ready for dog destruction ?
    • Are you willing to do what it takes for that dog to train them?
    • Is your home puppy-proof?

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]]> 0 Each dog breed exhibits unique characteristics that influence their behavior. Today, discover a rating system you can use to get a better idea of what to expect from your dog. In this episode, we continue our trilogy that shifts focus so you can get a broader knowledge of why your dog behaves the way she [...] No No 32:49 Admin