FamilyDogFusionFM Wed, 02 Aug 2017 05:52:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2016 FamilyDogFusion Train Your Dog. Train Yourself. FamilyDogFusion This is Discover Your Dog. The show that demystifies your dog's behavior so you can get the best results from your dog training. Professional dog trainer Bennie Copeland teaches us that we are ALWAYS communicating with our dogs. The goal of this show is to build your awareness of WHAT you are communicating to your dog at any given moment. Bennie Copeland and Devin Best No Ep 069 A Cold Shower for Your Humping Dog Wed, 01 Feb 2017 14:00:33 +0000

Dog Humping a Leg pictureWhy is my dog humping!?

Discover the signs and reasons for why your dog humps and what to do to fix this problem.

In this episode,you'll learn three main reasons why your dog humps and how to fix it.

Show Highlights

  • Dogs hump for many reasons, and when this happens you need to understand what you are seeing.
  • Humping is not only for male dogs female dogs hump as well.
  • The behavior could keep happening even after they are fixed.
  • With young dogs, sometime their humping is sexual and they can actually masturbate to relieve stress.
  • Typically dogs will hump because they were not weened properly.
    • Nowadays, it is suggested that a puppy not be removed from the litter or the mother until 8-12 weeks.
  • Dogs typically hump three things:
    • Pillows or stuffed animals.
    • People.
    • Other dogs.Humping is mainly about relieving stress, anxiety or a lack of confidence in your dog.
  • Humping is mainly about relieving stress, anxiety or a lack of confidence in your dog.This is behavior that can be worked on.
  • This is behavior that can be worked on.
  • Humping can be initially stress induced and then after a while it is conditioned or has been reinforced by you for giving attention to the dog while they hump.
  • Dogs who are stressed can also show signs of obsessive compulsive behaviors and this is an example of that.
  • Typically with training and structure in your home most of the obsessive compulsive behavior can be stopped.
  • Devin's dog Macy has a humping issue with him and he notices it only happen when he plays on the ground with her and gets her excited.
  • Devin has learned the triggers that will show her emotions before she is ready to hump.
  • Triggers for stress signs (these do  not apply to all dogs):Excessive licking of the lips or chomping the mouth.
    • Excessive licking of the lips or chomping the mouth.Whining or barking for no reason.
    • Whining or barking for no reason.Show their lipstick.
    • Showing their lipstick.
  • What is the humping behavior:It is a dominance issue if they do not know where they belong in the pack it is very stressful.
    • It is a dominance issue if they do not know where they belong in the pack it is very stressful.Humping humans and dogs are part of this hierarchical issue.
    • Humping humans and dogs are part of this hierarchical issue.Lack of self confidence.
    • Lack of self confidence.Doing basic obedience training helps dogs with their confidence especially.
  • Doing basic obedience training helps dogs with their confidence especially.Structure and training allows your dog to know the rules and creates a good relationship with the owner.
  • Structure and training allows your dog to know the rules and creates a good relationship with the owner.Your dog will know the hierarchy because you have created a comfortable situation for your dog.
  • Your dog will know the hierarchy because you have created a comfortable situation for your dog.Even if you have a good relationship with your dog and structure, they may still hump. If you give attention to your dog in the moment of them humping you are reinforcing it and it can become a habit.
  • Even if you have a good relationship with your dog and structure, they may still hump. If you give attention to your dog in the moment of them humping you are reinforcing it and it can become a habit.
  • If your dog humps a new dog it could be because the hierarchy has changed.
  • Bennie suggests to maybe allow the dogs to handle the humping issue themselves, unless it becomes an aggressive situation or if your dog is trying to hump every other dog.
  • Can a neutered dog engage in sex with a non neutered dog? Yes, physically they can.
  • When a male dog is neutered and a female dog is in heat, he doesn't know what the smell is or the meaning of it, but he can smell it for up to miles away.


  • What you need to do to correct the behavior in these situations.
  • Awareness realize why it is happening; stress, lack of self confidence or a weening issue.
  • Correct the behavior with a leash so you do not physically touch your dog.
  • After correcting her, put your dog in a relaxed situation.
  • Train your dog even if it's just the basic commands to help build her self-confidence.

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]]> 0 Why is my dog humping!? Discover the signs and reasons for why your dog humps and what to do to fix this problem. In this episode,you'll learn three main reasons why your dog humps and how to fix it. Show Highlights Dogs hump for many reasons, and when this happens you need to understand what [...] No No 40:53 Admin