FamilyDogFusionFM Wed, 24 Jan 2018 08:13:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2016 FamilyDogFusion Train Your Dog. Train Yourself. FamilyDogFusion This is Discover Your Dog. The show that demystifies your dog's behavior so you can get the best results from your dog training. Professional dog trainer Bennie Copeland teaches us that we are ALWAYS communicating with our dogs. The goal of this show is to build your awareness of WHAT you are communicating to your dog at any given moment. Bennie Copeland and Devin Best No Ep 039 Train Your Dog with Balance: Over Praise / Under Correct Wed, 06 Jul 2016 13:00:16 +0000

Purple dog- Discover Your Dog

If you use Correction in your dog training, you must counter-balance with a much greater level of Praise to get your dog to be obedient.

Learn two of Bennie’s Rulez that give you the right ratio of Praise to Correction for best results.

In this episode, we focus on how praise and correction relate to your reactions to your dog’s behavior.

Show Highlights

  • Bennie goes over two more rules he teaches when working with clients to train their dog.
  • The Rule of NO: Whenever you pull on the leash, you have to say NO; whenever you say NO, you have to pull the leash.
  • Bennie gives an example of what this rule looks like in every day situations and Devin asks if clients have a tough time understanding this rule.
  • The Rule of Praise: Praise must always be at a higher level than your level of correction. Bennie talks about how important this rule is for developing a good relationship with your dog.
  • Devin relates a Harvard study of people in the work place relates to praising your dog when you get the behaviors you expect.
  • Explanation goes in-depth about how praise has to be used, even when it is not in your human nature to praise for normal daily life.


Take a minimum of a five minute walk and practice praising your dog for walking loose on the leash. Practice being aware of how you give attention to your dog during a normal, everyday walk.

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]]> 0 If you use Correction in your dog training, you must counter-balance with a much greater level of Praise to get your dog to be obedient. Learn two of Bennie’s Rulez that give you the right ratio of Praise to Correction for best results. In this episode, we focus on how praise and correction relate to [...] No Yes 30:08 Admin