Setting goals for your dog is crucial for you to get the best, most-consistent, and FASTEST results from your training program.
Discover the ONE thing you need to work on with your dog, then take consistent baby steps toward your goal.
Episode 004 of Discover Your Dog was a fun one to put together, because it connects dog training with what Bennie and I are working on in our individual lives: accomplishing BIG goals.
Begin With the End In Mind
We often get caught up in “fixing” our dogs’ behaviors, without having considered the ultimate goal.
This episode gives you an effective way to plan out a training progression that gets the results you want from your dog.
It all starts with a first step: decide what you WANT from your dog.
Easier said than done? Read on…
Goal-Setting Hacks
- Figure out your final results with your dog, decide which behavior is most important, then start there.
- Start small and figure out what is most important first. Knock down your dominoes.
- Learn what is important by training basic commands first and addressing behaviors later.
- Patience and progression is the key for good communication.
- The 3 P’s of training: Progression, Patience, & Processes.
Bennie teaches you a process for walking your dog that begins to build a good platform for future training.
Quick Tip:
Instead of working on everything all at once, pick the ONE thing that will make the most difference and focus on that first.
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